Leading Future Learning

Leading the Future of Education

As technology and globalization transform our civic and economic spheres, educators must confront the challenge of preparing students for an ever more complex and cognitively demanding world. School leaders face both challenges and opportunities in encouraging classroom innovation and instructional progress while upholding academic rigor and student performance.

We bring together education leaders for a one-day conference full of presentations, workshops, hands-on sessions, and informal gatherings to address exciting and critical topics that will shape our classrooms of the future.

LFL 2016: March 11, 2016

For the fourth year in a row, EdTechTeacher and MassCUE to host Leading Future Learning to bring together classroom educators, principals, superintendents, tech directors, curriculum designers, instructional media specialists, library-media specialists, researchers, and other education leaders. This year we are proud to announce two new innovative keynoters, Caitlin Krause and Mike Klein , who are leading the future of learning daily in new and innovative ways. Call for Proposals is open and Registration will Open in Late 2015. Learn more at leadingfuturelearning.org

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New Full Year AI Teacher Cohort!

Ten 90-minute sessions over the school year will each dive into specific aspect of AI in education and give educators a chance to apply what they have learned.