Co-Director, Justin Reich, moves EdTechResearcher to Education Week

Justin Reich in Singapore at Educator's In Residence programThis week, Justin’s blog, EdTechResearcher, is moving to Education Week. The mission of the blog has been to create a space at the intersection of research and practice: by translating research findings into plain language or raising research questions out of the triumphs and puzzles of practicing educators. Justin hopes that the partnership with Education Week will raise it’s visibility.

As he writes in his first post:

The purpose of the blog is to address the wide gap that often exists between education technology researchers on the one hand and technology-using educators on the other. These two groups have so much to learn from each other and to contribute to each other, but too often they communicate in different forums with different language. For practitioners, I hope to report on recent studies and to try to interpret the findings to help make sense of what we are learning about new technologies in schools. For researchers, I hope to shed light on the state of the art in typical classrooms, the challenges that teachers face, and the questions that researchers can help answer.

This week, Justin will be blogging from the Hewlett OER Grantees Meeting at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, and the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in Vancouver. You will be able to learn more about those experiences both here and at EdTechTeacher.

“If you have a chance to comment, Tweet, Re-Tweet, engage, argue, pingback, or anything else with the blog in the next couple of weeks,” writes Justin, “that would be much appreciated.”

To suggest ideas for posts, research articles that you want explained or analyzed, questions that you think someone should answer, or other topics, leave a comment on this post.

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