Pedagogical Recalibration or Innovation?

The following is an excerpt from EdTechTeacher CEO Tom Daccord’s recent article in Intrepid magazine (Summer 2020). Click here to read the full article.

A silver lining of this global pandemic is the huge opportunity it provides to rethink the student learning process. That said, if pedagogical innovation occurs at all, it likely won’t happen right away. Innovation in instructional practice can only take place if educators are willing to accept a fundamental change in the student-teacher dynamic. That remains to be seen.

There’s much speculation that schools will not return to normal anytime soon. Recent articles in CNN and USA Today relate that many school leaders envision alternating schedules where schooling at least partly remains online. If this proves true, the present context for schooling may continue for a long while. So, where is the sense of urgency to develop student-centric and interactive instructional environments?

No one is saying this will be easy. Planning for remote learning is challenging as it requires educators to rethink many face- to-face processes
that work effectively in a live classroom environment. Teachers are being forced to do this on the fly. From lesson and project redesign, to collaboration, feedback and assessment, teaching and learning will often look and feel different in an online or remote environment.

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New Full Year AI Teacher Cohort!

Ten 90-minute sessions over the school year will each dive into specific aspect of AI in education and give educators a chance to apply what they have learned.