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EdTech Resources & Strategies for Teachers

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EdTechTeacher Instructor Tom Driscoll shares ideas for implementing project-based learning (PBL) at the elementary level, including tips for adapting project ideas in a remote learning environment.

The following post is an excerpt from EdTechTeacher CEO Tom Daccord’s blog, Leading Innovations in Schools: From Someday to Monday.

A Guest post by Dr. Courtney Pepe When reflecting upon the changing educational landscape that is taking place during Remote Learning, there are many challenges and dilemmas facing educators.  Fortunately,  educators are creative, dynamic and resourceful professionals who have the ability to turn challenges into opportunities.   One notable challenge facing educators during Remote Learning is how to teach reading and literacy from a distance.  The following literacy quote from author Kyleen Beers comes to mind ““Rigor is not an attribute of a text but rather a characteristic of our behavior with that text.” Educators all over the globe are creating…

An edtech gear post by Tom Driscoll Teachers across the world are attending virtual meetings, hosting live classes and creating instructional videos.  When engaging in this new reality of teaching, you may have realized that your computer’s built-in microphone just isn’t cutting it.  I realized this a while back when creating my first “flipped videos” and have tested out countless mic options over the years.  Below are three great options for teachers looking to improve their sound quality, all without breaking the bank. Check them out and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions! ***Note: All…

A guest post by Dr. Courtney Pepe Our current educational system is now more dynamic and complex due to Covid-19.  When reflecting upon the impact of Remote Learning and teacher practice, I often think of Rogers’ Law of Diffusion of Innovation, and the Three Car Train Concept of Ray Nashar. The three car train concept places educators into different train carriages based on their willingness to adopt an innovative mindset as it pertains to technology.  There is a first car for those who embrace innovative technology, a second car for those who may need more support, and a third car…

A new video tutorial by Tom Driscoll Edpuzzle is an amazing platform that enables teachers to create interactive video lessons.  In this tutorial, I demonstrate how to create an account, select a video, make it interactive (with questions and voiceovers) and assign it to your class.  Here is the direct link to the video, also embedded below. 

A new post & video tutorial by Tom Driscoll In my work with teachers around distance learning, I have been advocating for the creation of instructional videos that are tailored to their particular students.  One of the simplest and most effective ways to get up and running with video creation is actually with Google Meet!  Here is a quick tutorial I just created demonstrating the process in three steps:

A new post & video tutorial by Tom Driscoll Screencastify is one of the most popular screencasting tools for educators, and for good reason!  It is a free Chrome extension that enables you to record your screen, add voiceover audio, and embed a webcam video.  There are also some annotation and editing tools built-in.  This is incredibly helpful for distance learning since it helps teachers provide students with much needed asynchronous video instruction that is tailored to their needs and interests.  Here is a quick tutorial to help you get up and running with Screencastify!  

Google Calendar Appointment Slots X Google Meet by Greg Kulowiec At a time when teachers and students are connecting remotely due to school closings, synchronous video check-ins are becoming an increasingly normal part of the school day. However, whole group meetings can be challenging for teachers to manage and might not allow for the individual connection that we are hoping to create with synchronous video. Fortunately, for schools that are using G Suite, Google Calendar and Google Meet, there is an embedded feature in Google Calendar that allows educators to create the opportunity for students to claim individual meeting slots.…

A post by Avra Robinson When I was a little girl, my parents constantly encouraged me to be creative during play.   My mom and dad were both educators, and as such, they suggested constructive activities that rescued me from the inevitable boredom of the endless days of summer break.  Now, as an educator looking back decades later, I realize that they were helping me take ordinary activities and discover ways to encourage creativity and learning through play.  Everyday activities can be transformed into learning experiences in a variety of ways.  Teachers and parents can design playful challenges and activities that…

A guest post by Maggie Brennan Below are helpful tips to teach effectively to maximize learning, keep the attention of all the students, and manage various problems. This article is especially useful for teachers with little experience in online learning environments. By now you have probably given a few live online classes and are settling into a routine of what to do and how to do it. Perhaps you have noticed that sometimes these classes work well and other times nothing goes right and you just want to give up. In either of those cases, keep in mind these helpful…

Webinar Archive: Audio & Video EdTechTeacher was proud to host a free roundtable discussion with educational leaders from across the country who provided perspectives on virtual teaching and learning in the face of extended school closings prompted by the coranavirus. The leaders discussed the challenges and opportunities posed by the swift transition to virtual learning environments and answered questions from the live audience.  Listen or watch the entire archived discussion: Audio Archive: Video Archive: EdTechTeacher was joined by five accomplished school leaders who shared their experience, perspective, insight, and recommendations: Chris Lehmann  – Principal & CEO at Science Leadership Academy, PennsylvaniaPatrick…

screencasting quote

by: Tom Daccord A screencast is typically a short video recording of something transpiring on a computer screen or a mobile-device screen. It frequently includes audio narration and may also include text, music, images, and graphics.  Screencasting can be helpful in nearly every curriculum and grade level as a useful means of providing opportunities for both teachers and students to communicate and share what they know, think, feel, and understand. Moreover, its video qualities engage a wide range of learners and the video can be paused and replayed to increase understanding and retention. Screencast videos can be uploaded to Google…

Audio & Closings

by Greg Kulowiec In these increasingly challenging times for educators, students and families, there has been an understandable focus placed on distance learning.  While it is safe to say that this is not an ideal time to introduce new edtech tools to students, educators may want to consider the role that audio can play in enhancing communication with their students during prolonged school closures. While creating and sharing audio has been challenging and often problematic in the past, there are three approaches that educators can take, with very little background experience, to begin leveraging audio to connect with their students,…

Coronavirus & Remote Learning

by Tom Daccord As COVID-19 spreads in the U.S., schools and districts are looking for ways to administer remote learning in an effort to keep their community safe.  To that end, we at EdTechTeacher have compiled a brief list of resources below: General information: Resources for K-12 Schools and Childcare Programs from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).Includes a checklist for Teachers, Parents, and Administrators; FAQs for Administrators; Talking with Children About Corona Virus; and more. General EdTech: EdTech companies offering FREE support and/or access to schools affected by COVID19 closures.A growing collection of edtech companies that are…

New Full Year AI Teacher Cohort!

Ten 90-minute sessions over the school year will each dive into specific aspect of AI in education and give educators a chance to apply what they have learned.