Virtual Learning Leadership Roundtable

Webinar Archive: Audio & Video

EdTechTeacher was proud to host a free roundtable discussion with educational leaders from across the country who provided perspectives on virtual teaching and learning in the face of extended school closings prompted by the coranavirus. The leaders discussed the challenges and opportunities posed by the swift transition to virtual learning environments and answered questions from the live audience. 

Listen or watch the entire archived discussion:

Audio Archive:

Video Archive:

EdTechTeacher was joined by five accomplished school leaders who shared their experience, perspective, insight, and recommendations:

  • Chris Lehmann  – Principal & CEO at Science Leadership Academy, Pennsylvania
  • Patrick Larkin – Assistant Superintendent of Learning Burlington Public Schools, Massachusetts
  • Kami Thordarson – Principal of Campbell School of Innovation and former Director of Innovation and Digital Learning in Campbell Union School, California
  • Dr. Hank Thiele – Superintendent of Community High School District 99, Illinois
  • Dr. Brad Jackson– Superintendent of Holliston Public Schools, Massachusetts

Topics explored in the discussion included:

  • Supporting teachers, students, and parents
  • Remote learning recommendations
  • Communication strategies with the school community
  • Active learning and interaction online
  • Supporting instructional innovation and creativity
  • Assessment in virtual learning environments

The discussion was be moderated by Tom Daccord, co-founder and CEO of EdTechTeacher, and an international education consultant.

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