Ten Reasons Why You Should Attend a Flipped Classroom Workshop

More and more teachers are transforming their classrooms by flipping their instruction.

Ten Reasons to Attend a Flipped Classroom Workshop


10. You are ready for a change in how you work with your students.



9. Flipping sounds like fun. (Yes, fun. Teaching and learning can be fun!)



8. Boston is a great city to visit and explore.



7. You can earn continuing education or graduate credit.



6. Flipping your class gives you more time to get to know your students.



5. Creating video just might bring out your inner movie star.



4. You want to learn how to use video in your classroom to enhance learning and engage students



3. You want to learn more about how you can maximize your face to face time with your students.



2. You want a learning experience where you walk away inspired and ready to implement what you have learned.



1. You know there is more to teaching than textbooks.


Join Mark Burkholz, Director of Technology at Lawrence Academy since 1992, who implemented a flipped classroom initiative in the entire Lawrence Academy mathematics department.





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