Weekly Resources to Kick Off June!

This week, we continued with end-of-year professional development workshops and kicked off our first Full-Year program for 2014-15. Our team of instructors criss-crossed half of the country, working with schools in North Carolina, Virginia, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Illinois.

Next week officially marks the start of our Summer Workshop series in Atlanta. We still have space in a number of our other workshops, so check out the Course Catalog and come join us!

ETT Summit Update

Each week, we get more excited about the July 28-30 EdTechTeacher Summit in Chicago. We have added presenter showcase to the schedule to include even more amazing educators in the experience. Check out all of the session descriptions.

If you are looking for an incredible hands-on opportunity, we still have space in a number of our Pre-Conference workshops.

  • Advanced Topics in iPad Integration with Shawn McCusker
  • Google Apps Integration & Advanced Workflow Scenarios for Middle and High School with Tom Daccord and Samantha Morra
  • Using Google Apps to Redefine the Elementary Classroom with Holly Clark
  • Day of Code with Douglas Kiang
  • Creativity & Curation with iPads in the Middle and High School Classroom with Patrick Larkin
  • Leading towards Learning Futures: School Leadership and Technology Integration with Justin Reich
  • Creating Learning Centers in the Elementary Classroom with Beth Holland

Articles from the EdTechTeacher Team

Just in case you missed some of our more recent posts, here they are!

Other Great Resources

We also have tons of helpful tutorials and articles on our new website.

Connect with Us This Summer!

Now we have even more ways to connect! Tag your Tweets, Instagrams, Google+ and Facebook posts with #ettipad, #ettsummit, and #ettsummer to connect with us and others!

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  2. Follow Us on Twitter @EdTechTeacher21
  3. Like us on Facebook
  4. Join us on Google+
  5. See us in action on Instagram
  6. Watch great videos on Vimeo and YouTube

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New Full Year AI Teacher Cohort!

Ten 90-minute sessions over the school year will each dive into specific aspect of AI in education and give educators a chance to apply what they have learned.