iPad Resources, Suggestions, & News! (from 5/28-6/8)

EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland use a Diigo Group in order to collect and share iPad resources. This week’s post includes everything that they have found over the past 10 days – as some great new posts, apps, and ideas popped up in the past 48 hours. But first…

EdTechTeacher iPad News

We have filled up almost all of our iPad-based workshops for this summer. The first one, iPads & ePubs in the Classroom runs next week in Atlanta, GA. There is still room in our July 19-20 Integrating IPads, Laptops, And Digital Tools To Create Differentiated Learning Environments workshop.

Leading Change in Changing Times: EdTechTeacher iPad Summit USA November 6-8, 2012  The Joseph B. Martin Conference Center, Harvard Medical School
We are excited to announce a first-ever, National Summit – November 6-8, 2012 at The Joseph B. Martin Conference Center, Harvard Medical School – to bring together educators, researchers, tech directors, principals, school leaders, and industry partners for a three-day event full of presentations, workshops, hands-on sessions, and informal gatherings to identify emerging best practices and exciting new directions for putting iPads in the service of learning.

The first day, November 6, will feature a Pre-Conference with hands-on workshop sessions led by members of the EdTechTeacher team as well as other featured instructors from across the country. The two-day Full Conference, November 7-8, will include presentation sessions and keynotes from some of the country’s leading educators and thinkers: Tony Wagner, Eric Klopfer, Megan Wilson, Patrick Larkin, Richard Byrne, Lainie Rowell, and the EdTechTeacher Team.

We are also holding a Call For Proposals and invite applications to present from individuals representing all education levels, content areas, and specialties, as well as industry leaders and technology experts. If accepted, your presentation would be scheduled as one of the concurrent, 1-hour sessions planned for the November 7-8, 2012 national conference.

Visit ipadsummitusa.org for more information and registration. Look for #ettipad for updates.

Weekly Resources

The Edublogger | Tips, tricks, and help for educators and bloggers using technology

There are some great posts related to using various apps in the classroom. Definitely worth subscribing to this blog.

Tags: edubloggeredublogsipadeducationapps

iPad Apps – LiveBinder by @kyteacher

This is a great LiveBinder of iPad Apps for Social Studies from Angela Cunningham.
Tags: appsipadsocialstudieshistoryeducationapp

Using the iPad and the NFB’s PixStop app in your classroom

This is a great blog post about using iPads to create a “studio” environment for students.
Tags: ipadclassroomelementaryeducation

Using iPads with Students with Intellectual Disabilities | The Spectronics Blog

This is a great blog post about differentiating with iPads and other technologies to support individuals with intellectual disabilities. It also includes links to other great resources.
Tags: differentiationSPEDipadappseducationtechnology

Free Technology for Teachers: GoClass Adds Useful Features for Teaching With iPads

GoClass is an interesting, free app for teachers that allows them to create lesson plans, poll students and disseminate information from a single app. Currently, registration is free.
Tags: ipadappseducationclassroom

Mobile Learning and The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture « User Generated Education

This is a great blog post about leveraging mobile technology in a Flipped Classroom setting.
Tags: flippedclassroomflipped classroommlearningeducation

Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Quick List Of Mobile Apps For Administrators

A great list of apps specifically for administrators.

Tags: ipadadministrationadministrators

BetaKit » DropNote Builds on Dropbox’s User Base With Educational App

Dropnote – Evernote for schools??? This could be a great resource moving forward.
Tags: 1:1EvernoteDropnote

Apple`s iPad – the new McHappy Meal? | Travis Ion – Read Review Reflect

An interesting blog post about how the iPad is not necessarily a 1:1 solution.

Tags: 1:1

Not Sure Which Writing App to Use on Your iPhone or iPad? This Chart Compares Them All

Writing on the iPad raises lots of questions and opinions. This is a huge table designed to help pick which app fits your learning objectives.

Tags: ipadswritingapp

iPads in the Science Classroom: The Bad, The Ugly, and The Good – Greg Laden’s Blog

An interesting article about integrating iPads into the science classroom.
Tags: scienceipadsSTEMclassroom

Tools 4 Students

This could be the best $.99 spent on an app – especially for elementary and middle school students. Tools 4 Students includes 25 graphic organizers that can be annotated in the app and then shared via email.
Tags: graphic organizerconcept mapiPadappseducationtechnologyelementaryenglish

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New Full Year AI Teacher Cohort!

Ten 90-minute sessions over the school year will each dive into specific aspect of AI in education and give educators a chance to apply what they have learned.