Building a Video Reflection Journal in Google Sites

Flipgrid is a fantastic tool that students can utilize to create videos.  Using Flipgrid, students can record videos of themselves telling a story, speaking in a target language, practicing reading fluency, solving a math problem, and much more.  Flipgrid can be accessed from almost any device including computers, iPads, Chromebooks, and smartphones.  When students are on a computer or Chromebook, they can also record their screen as they present a slideshow or create a demonstration of something they’ve learned. 

In addition to demonstrating their understanding of content or proficiency with a new skill, Flipgrid can also be used as a reflection tool.  As students work through learning experiences, or on a daily or weekly basis, students could create short reflection videos answering questions about – not only – WHAT they learned but WHY and HOW they learned it.  Asking students to pause and think about their learning, to consider what new skills they might have practiced, or whether they felt successful throughout the experience can be a powerful way to deepen learning and students’ metacognitive skills. 

As students create these reflection videos, it’s important to collect them.  They could be curated into a Google Site to create a Video Reflection Journal.  By engaging in this process, students have the opportunity to watch and rewatch their videos.  They can start to decipher processes that help them as learners.  They can figure out where and when they struggle.  They can determine what makes them feel successful.  Reflection is a skill in and of itself, and it takes practice for students to become comfortable reflecting on their learning.  The more they do it, the stronger their metacognitive skills become.  

To learn more about the HOW or embedding Flipgrid videos into a Google Site, check out the video walk-through below.

This idea of student creation and reflection is woven into many of Avra Robinson’s workshops this summer.  If you found these ideas helpful or interesting, register for one of her workshops today! 

Creating and Designing Digital Portfolios to Support Student Reflection & Engagement 

Student Creation in the iPad Classroom

Student Creation with Digital Tools

Digital Storytelling:  Creating & Publishing Dynamic Digital Stories

Engaging Students with Chromebooks in the Elementary Classroom  1:1 classroom 

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