Teaching History with Technology: Reflections on 16 Years & Counting
Teaching History With Technology a reflection on 16 years and counting

The following post is an excerpt from EdTechTeacher CEO, Tom Daccord’s new blog: tomdaccord.com.

In a few weeks, I will be instructing the EdTechTeacher “Teaching History with Technology Workshop” for the 16th straight year.  Lately, I’ve been thinking about changes in technology since I first began leading the workshop and implications for teaching and learning.

The most obvious difference is the sheer volume and diversity of technology tools that have appeared since I first taught the workshop in 2002. Back then, students were using laptops principally for taking notes in Microsoft Word, creating slideshows in Microsoft PowerPoint, and for research on the Internet. Popular at the time were “WebQuests,” essentially Internet scavenger hunts that offered no interactive possibilities. Today, students have access to a vast array of interactive tools that allow them to create, collaborate, share, publish, and more.

Continue reading this post on tomdaccord.com

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