Building Traditional & Creative Assessments with Google Workspace for Education

Teachers regularly ask themselves, “Have students met the desired learning goals and outcomes? And if so, to what extent?”  Assessment practices have changed and evolved over time, and access to technology has changed how teachers can assess student understanding.  In lieu of simply considering “assessment OF learning,” educators can now consider assessment AS learning.  Instead of just focusing on the end product, exploring the process of learning can facilitate deeper, more personalized learning while fostering student agency and creating a more equitable learning environment. 

In the recorded webinar below, EdTechTeacher, Caitlin McLemore, discusses the ways in which technology can support assessment.  Over the hour, she demonstrates and explores how educators can move past some of the traditional assessment strategies and look for ways to assess student learning more creatively.    

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New Full Year AI Teacher Cohort!

Ten 90-minute sessions over the school year will each dive into specific aspect of AI in education and give educators a chance to apply what they have learned.