“Let’s Just Try It” is Not Leadership
Let's Just Try It - Isn't leadership

The following post is an excerpt from EdTechTeacher CEO, Tom Daccord’s new blog: tomdaccord.com.

Millions of iPads and Chromebooks entered American classrooms between 2012 and 2015 and often joined laptops already in place. As a result of the influx, many schools decided to launch a 1:1 (device-to-student) tech integration program and many administrators held high expectations that technology would bring about substantial instructional innovation.

What’s clear now is that few administrators had a vision of how instruction might change. As a result, that change has not occurred. I can remember visiting dozens of schools during the summers of 2013 and 2014 and having discussions with administrators about their new 1:1 tech initiatives.  I’d ask them what their learning goals were for the program.  Sometimes I’d be met by silence and rarely would an administrator articulate a specific learning goal. Instead, they were more likely to mention expanding the program to more grade levels or talk about a management goal, such as the distribution of apps. In a few cases, some administrators made references to the four Cs — creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication. Yet, many conceded that they did not have a vision of how learning would be different as a result of their 1:1 program. Many said their role was to provide teachers and students with technology and then it was up to the teachers to develop instructional strategies.

Continue reading this post on tomdaccord.com

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Ten 90-minute sessions over the school year will each dive into specific aspect of AI in education and give educators a chance to apply what they have learned.