Weekly iPad Resources and Suggestions from EdTechTeacher (5/7)


In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which groups apps and resources based on learning goals.

There is still room in some of our EdTechTeacher Summer Teaching with Technology Workshops at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, so come join us.

The Complete List of iPad Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials – How-To Geek

This is a great list of tips, tricks, and tutorials for working with your iPad.

Tags: iPad, tutorials, how-to, technology

Record & Share your Ideas | Present.me

Present.me takes slide presentations from a variety of formats and then converts them so that you can record audio and then share via the cloud. It does work on mobile devices.

Tags: presentations, web2.0, present.me, ipad, apps, technology

2012-02-24 iPad for Educators at CLS North – EdTechTeam

This is a sample Agenda and Resources for an iPad workshop. There are some interesting links and videos.

Tags: ipad, curriculum, agenda, PD, education, examples

Interactive eBook Apps: The Reinvention of Reading and Interactivity

This is a great article from UX Magazine. It does a great job defining interactivity and gives video examples of eBooks and eBook apps that have value.

Tags: ebook, interactive, reading, ipad, technology, ebooks

Free Technology for Teachers: Weebly Gets an iOS App

From Richard Byrne, Weebly now has an iOS app for updating its sites. Unlike the WordPress app, this one maintains the ability to use a WYSIWG editor.

Tags: weebly, app, ipad

iPad Apps in my Google Folder – Shamblesguru’s iPad

This is a great post about integrating iPads and Google Apps.

Tags: ipad, apps, google, technology

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New Full Year AI Teacher Cohort!

Ten 90-minute sessions over the school year will each dive into specific aspect of AI in education and give educators a chance to apply what they have learned.