Weekly Resources to Kick Off August

This may have been our busiest week of the summer! Our inaugural EdTechTeacher Summit kicked off in Chicago on Monday with a day of Pre Conference Workshops followed by two days of keynotes, concurrent sessions, Innovation Labs, and more at the Navy Pier. Over 350 attendees, presenters, and vendors gathered to learn from each other about the future of learning. Amazing educators – Suzy Brooks, Brenda Doucette, and Maggie Keeler – wrapped up our Summer Workshops in Cambridge with Technology in the Elementary Classroom and Enhancing STEM Curriculum with Technology

On top of all those events, Lisa Dabbs presented at the Edutopia Summit in California, and Carl Hooker traveled to Georgia to work with teachers in Richmond County Schools. Next week, we will complete our Summer Workshop Series with iPad and Google workshops in Austin and Los Angeles while simultaneously kicking off Back-to-School workshops in five different states! 

Summer Workshop Agendas 

We had a great final week of workshops in Cambridge. 

Technology in the Elementary Classroom with Suzy Brooks and Brenda DoucetteEnhancing STEM curriculum with Technology with Maggie Keeler

All of our Summer Workshop resources are published under the Creative Commons license. These sites are full of great resources, and we are happy to share. View all of them on our online Course Catalog.

ETT Summit Recap

We had an amazing inaugural event, and would like to thank everyone who joined us in Chicago. Here are just a few of the sentiments from our attendees:

From the Pre Conference Workshops:

Very knowledgable and helpful!! I learned so much from him [Shawn McCusker]!” – Advanced Topics in iPad Integration with Shawn McCusker“Amazing information! Loved the format with tech challenges to actually test out the apps. The afternoon of creating learning centers really helped me think through the actual process.” – Creating Learning Centers in the Elementary Classroom with Beth HollandDoug presented everything in a thorough and thoughtful way, taking into consideration all the skill levels of participants. Programs and materials were great, and Doug is an excellent presenter and provided us with a wonderful learning experience in coding.” – Day of Code with Douglas Kiang

From the Conference:

“Thank you for the inspiring keynote talks and all the details that went into bringing so many talented people together.”“Keep up the great work! I love coming to a conference (and sending colleagues) where I know the presenters will be speaking the same language and reinforcing the same message we are trying to communicate to our teachers.”“This was a great experience overall and there was a tremendous amount of information and dialogue to inspire everyone involved in the transformation of learning.”

“This was inspirational and a much-needed reminder of the possibilities that are available when you marry good pedagogy to technology.”

You can find similar quotes and amazing resources being shared among attendees on the Twitter hashtag, #ettsummit, and check out our TagBoard for a summation of everything that happened on social media.

Furthermore, all of the resources from the hands-on Pre Conference Workshops are available, and slides from presenters have been published at ettsummit.org/sessions.  Finally, don’t miss all of our LIVE Blogs. Enjoy!

Live Blogs from the #ETTSummit

#ETTSummit Live Blog: Jennifer Wyld – Maker Mindset: It’s More Than Just Cool Stuff! from Douglas Kiang

July 30, 2014

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#ETTSummit Live Blog: Sabba Quidwai – Cast a Spell to Flip Your Class with TouchCast from Beth Holland

July 30, 2014

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#ETTSummit Live Blog: Michael Cohen – The Invisible iPad from Beth Holland

July 30, 2014

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#ETTSummit Live Blog: Martin Moran – Celebrating the Wonderful Mess from Beth Holland

July 30, 2014

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#ETTSummit Live Blog: Jennie Magiera Keynote -Sketch Notes from Greg Kulowiec

July 30, 2014

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#ETTSummit Live Blog: Jennie Magiera – Googling the Future Classroom Keynote from Beth Holland

July 30, 2014

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#ETTSummit Live Blog: Shawn McCusker – Unleashing Creativity, Sketch Notes from Greg Kulowiec

July 30, 2014

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#ETTSummit Live Blog: Notes from Greg Kulowiec on Will Richardson’s Keynote

July 30, 2014

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#ETTSummit Live Blog: Sylvia Martinez – Lessons for K-12 Education From the Maker Movement from Douglas Kiang

July 30, 2014

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#ETTSummit Live Blog: Richard Byrne- Discovery, Discussion, and Demonstration from Douglas Kiang

July 30, 2014

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#ETTSummit Live Blog: Courtney Pepe – 60 Days of Google Glass in the Class: My Adventures with Wearable Technology from Beth Holland

July 29, 2014

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#ETTSummit Live Blog: Wes Fryer, Creating Multimedia eBooks

July 29, 2014

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#ETTSummit LIVE Blog – Educating Modern Learners: Will Richardson Keynote from Beth Holland

July 29, 2014

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New Full Year AI Teacher Cohort!

Ten 90-minute sessions over the school year will each dive into specific aspect of AI in education and give educators a chance to apply what they have learned.