The First 5s with iPads – from Beth Holland

This post first appeared on Edutopia.

It can seem daunting to envision a year’s worth of activities with iPads, but when taken in small chunks, it doesn’t need to be intimidating. Taking a note from Alan November‘s talks about the #1st5days, consider what is possible in the first five hours, days, and weeks of school.

iPad First 5 from Richard Wells
Image Credit: Richard Wells (@iPadWells)

As Richard Wells has masterfully illustrated above, the First 5s do not have to be an inundation of apps and tools. By breaking the process into manageable timeframes, and by focusing on a few core skills and experiences, the task becomes a little less overwhelming — and a lot more exciting.

>> Read the full post on Edutopia

To learn more about meaningful uses of iPads in the classroom, Beth and other educators from around the world will be speaking at the November 12-14 iPad Summit in Boston. Space is limited, and these events have SOLD OUT in the past.

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New Full Year AI Teacher Cohort!

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