Weekly Resources – New Posts & Webinars from the Team

This week, you may have seen us in one of 6 states or online! It’s been a busy one, and we have plenty to share. Hopefully, many of you are in the sharing mood as the Call for Proposals for the Learning Futures Summit is still open!

In case you missed the Leading Future Learning conference last week, Beth Holland and Kate Wilson LIVE blogged a number of the sessions.

We hope to see more of you online during our Spring Webinars or in person this summer!

Small Tech Changes – BIG Learning Impact

To kick off our Spring Webinar Series, Beth Holland, Samantha Morra, and Brenda Doucette hosted a great conversation this week about the little changes that we can make with technology that may have a huge impact on student learning. They presented some fantastic ideas, and their slides are full of great resources.


We also hope to see you this week for our next Spring Webinar. Tanya Avrith (@edtechschools), Holly Clark (@HollyClarkEdu), Greg Kulowiec (@gregkulowiec), and Samantha Morra (@sammorra) will be presenting “Google is the new resume.” on Tuesday, March 18th, at 7:00pm EST. This is a FREE, live event, so come join us!

NEW from the EdTechTeacher Team

Teaching in the New (Abundant) Economy of Information

In this new post on MindShift, Shawn McCusker address the relationship between teachers and the information being distributed in their classrooms.

How Technology Trends Have Influenced the Classroom

“Between societal changes and technological breakthroughs, it’s become abundantly clear that the human brain is transforming the way it processes and learns information.” Carl Hooker describes the impact of technology on our brains and how we can harness that effect to better meet the needs of our students.

How To Integrate The Real World Into Digital Classrooms

Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland co-authored this latest post to explore the role of mobile devices in editing, remixing, improving and publishing the physical world.

Don’t forget that you can come see ALL of our team-members this summer! Registration is open for our Summer Workshop Series and the Learning Futures Summit.

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New Full Year AI Teacher Cohort!

Ten 90-minute sessions over the school year will each dive into specific aspect of AI in education and give educators a chance to apply what they have learned.