#ettChat: New Collaboration Features with Explain Everything from co-creator Reshan Richards


Each week EdTechTeacher will bring you a new, short video (10-15 minutes) by one of the staff exploring an app, web tool or idea in the world of educational technology centered around a new theme each month.  Continuing February’s theme of collaboration, Greg Kulowiec hosts us Reshan Richards, co-creator of Explain Everything, to showcase the new live collaborative features of our favorite Screencasting apps.

Our Screencasting recommendations: Click the app icon to learn more or select a blue icon to switch devices.

Our Collaborations recommendations: Click the app icon to learn more or select a blue icon to switch devices.

MORE app recommendations organized by learning objectives can be found at edtechteacher.org/apps



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New Full Year AI Teacher Cohort!

Ten 90-minute sessions over the school year will each dive into specific aspect of AI in education and give educators a chance to apply what they have learned.